Thursday March 24th / Jeudi 24 mars

Toulouse-Lautrec, Cartier-Bresson, reception and films from Belgium and Switzerland

Thursday, March 24, from 6:00 to 10:00 pm - $9 or FREE for films only

 High Museum of Art in Midtown, 1280 Peachtree Street


Private viewing of two French-themed exhibitions at the High Museum - Toulouse-Lautrec and Friends: The Irene and Howard Stein Collection and Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Modern Century with a reception and two films.  Enjoy the galleries and a cash bar reception from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.  Tickets for the galleries and reception are $9.  Films begin at 8:00 p.m. in the Rich Auditorium.  Admission is free for the films only.  Reservations are required for both portions of the program.

  • Na-Wewe, a short film from Belgium, un court métrage d'origine belge et burundi
    1994 or thereabouts. There is a civil war on in Burundi. A genocidal conflict opposing Hutus and Tutsis... We are witnesses to one of those sadly frequent episodes : the attack by the rebels of a minibus transporting ordinary passengers. A Kalashnikov bursts out. The bus stops, the passengers get off. There follows a selection separating Hutus and Tutsis. But who is a Hutu, who is a Tutsi? Na Wewe means You Too in Kirundi.
                                                                                                                                             Nous sommes dans les années 1994. C'est la guerre civile au Burundi, ce petit pays d'Afrique centrale voisin direct du Rwanda. Un affrontement proche du génocide y oppose une rébellion majoritairement d'ethnie hutu à une armée nationale majoritairement tutsi.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
  •  Home, a movie from Switzerland / Un film d'origine suisse.

          In a very lonely and peaceful countryside, a Highway that was started but never

          completed remains unused.    
          Right next to this abandonned highway there is an inhabited house.
         The constuction work is about to resume and its opening has already been forecasted.
          Au milieu d'une campagne calme et désertique s'étend à perte de vue une autoroute

          inactive, laissée à l'abandon depuis sa construction.
          Au bord du bitume, à quelques mètres seulement des barrières de sécurité se trouve  

          une maison isolée dans  laquelle vit une famille.
          Les travaux vont reprendre et on annonce l'ouverture prochaine de l'autoroute à la


Films begin at 8:00 pm. Les Films commenceront à 20h. 
Reservations required via the High Museum. Les rérvations seront faites par le biais du High Museum.

click down here for reservation

reservation for the High Museum